Monday, May 6, 2013

manic Mondays

I don't know how to explain how I feel. It's like one minute everything is fine and next I'm completely falling apart. I just get so frustrated with myself. why is nothing I ever do good enough for anyone. I don't feel like getting into that right now because I just want to sleep. Last night I passed out as soon as I laid down. And then it took me almost two hours to get out of bed this morning. I was 15 minutes late to work and then on my break I fell asleep for another hour. I don't know why I'm so tired. But it's making it hard to function. I forced myself to run for an hour. Then do some weights and ab work. I was literally half asleep at the gym. I wanted to run with my eyes closed but that is a lot harder than it looks (ha) I've also found a new food. It's the Gerber organic baby food. it comes in a pouch and its delicious. Only 50 calories, no fat, and barely any sugar or carbs. The best part it comes in a million different flavors. There are fruit veggie and grain flavors. I decided I'm going to live off then this summer. Since ill be staying in hotels every week I won't be able to make my smoothies. And I sure as hell won't be eating fast food every night. I've complied a list of safe foods that can travel with me this summer. It's like every week I find another safe food that can travel. I don't know if I should be eating baby food or not but I am. I think I want to liquid diet for 3 days. But I'll need to go to the grocery for greens to blend. Hm. Here are today's tracks. I didn't calculate calories although I should have..

Breakfast: strawberry/ banana smoothie


Dinner: Gerber pouch, 5 saltines with peanut butter

Snacks: 3 blackberries, 10 grapes

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