Tuesday, October 23, 2012

tuesday night fades to wednesday morning

today has been pretty good. went to both of my classes and now I'm out looking for a Halloween costume. except I'm waiting for my friend right now, hence why I'm posting. I've had 1/2 a Luna bar today. im going to the gym later and I'm not sure if I'll eat again today.

that was the first half of my post from earlier today. but I had a lettuce wrap for dinner. and 2 hours in the gym. I feel a bit tighter today. especially in my stomach area. I also went tanning today. I got burnt a little bit but I still had fun. tanning always makes me happy. I have so much work to accomplish over the next few days I don't really know where to begin. it's like there is so much stress and confusion inside my head but you would never be able to tell from the outside. I swear I post about this all the time but I just wonder how I keep it together all the time. regardless its 2am and I have to wake up at 7. run errands and go to the gym before 1 o'clock when I have class. after class all afternoon I'm meeting my friend downtown and after that my roommate and I are working out together. and somewhere between all that I have to fit in an essay, a research project, and not to mention my regular nightly homework. pretty much will be running on coffee tomorrow. I love college, I really do. but sometimes it's just so tiring

1 comment:

  1. hey my blog was recently discovered by an ex boyfriend heres my new link:

