Tuesday, October 30, 2012


the past two days have been good, surprisingly. two good days in a row doesn't usually happen to me. i went grocery shopping monday and it wasn't as hard as normal. since my roommate was with me, she kind of knows i get.. antsy at the grocery. so she doesn't rush me or comment on things i get (or don't get) its nice that way. but I'm getting up early as shit tomorrow to study for about 4 hours before class. i have been focusing a lot on going to school and going to the gym. i spent 2 hours studying on the elliptical today 3 yesterday. both of those things really take my mind off eating. bout today i ate an apple for breakfast, chicken and corn for dinner. not too bad. i still haven't gotten on my scale. i am just waiting it out. i need to get on it. soon, but not yet. i don't know. i just know I'm going to be so unhappy with what i see. but at the same time, part of me is hoping it will be surprisingly low. its kind of up in the air.

1 comment:

  1. hey my blog was discovered by an asshole ex boyfriend heres my new link:

