Tuesday, May 15, 2012

coffee > food

Breakfast: coffee Lunch: corn and rice Dinner: corn & rice Snacks: coffee, coffee, coffee today was a pretty good day. i made corn and rice in the early afternoon. 1/2 for lunch, the other half for dinner. I wanted to write yesterday, but of course i forgot. i started my monday off right with bootcamp. it kicked my ass. i nearly passed out. today i ran for an hour and did this insane ab circuit. I'm SORE. but sore is good. definitely sore. i leave for training for my second job next week. excited, nervous, scared. i get to travel every week, after training, so theres a good reason good reason not to eat. not that ill really need one, I'm going to be traveling alone a lot and staying in hotels. living off fruit, hotel gyms, and good books. sounds like my kind of summer. i still haven't moved. they keep delaying my move date because they SUCK. "they" being my apartment complex. anyway, enough rambling. i haven't been on the scale in awhile. I'm scared. so i just stare at myself in the mirror morning and night, deciding if I've gotten thinner or not. usually not though.

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