Thursday, November 15, 2012


it's been awhile since i have written. but I'm back. the past week I've done a lot of soul searching. a lot of fasting, working out, and two days of self indulgence. regardless i am waking up at 7 to workout tomorrow, call me crazy. i need to get in as much exercise as i can. so much fat it makes me sick. I'm going home next wednesday. I'm very, very scared. i really don't want to go. even though its only 4 days i don't want to see my family. i don't want to deal with them. i don't want them to ask me things. i don't want them to make me eat. i just want to be left alone. pretty much every day the last week i have been going to the library, into this quiet little corner and staying there for hours. listening to music, studying, reading, getting on tumblr. its just wonderful to be there in my own little world

1 comment:

  1. I love and hate this time of the year. I love being able to spend time with my family, but like you, I hate them making me eat, or staring at me or asking questions. It never ends. I'm glad you have had this last week to do some soul searching. It sounds like it's been very relaxing for you. Stay strong hun.
