Friday, October 5, 2012

day one

my mother came to my job. I'm not going to lie, it is really nice to see her. i fucking miss that woman. i am trying very hard to stay 100% positive and be as nice to her as i can. she wants to take me shopping and can i just say i am not ready for that. i can't try on clothes i just can't do that. I'm not ready yet. she made me have dinner with her and i ate a salad with broccoli, ate it all and she goes 'wow thats the most I've seen you eat in months' ...thanks mom. i don't know, its like she knows but she just doesn't say anything. I'm going to go to the gym after i write this and work out till i feel like passing out. my mom thinks i am at school getting tutored. i am such a bitch sometimes but i feel like if i told my mom that she couldn't come over yet because i wanted to work out she would probably get mad. i don't know.
i don't know has become my answer for everything. goodness. I'm not eating today unless my mom tries to take me somewhere. I'm going to stand on my scale before i go so ill post about that nonsense later.

1 comment:

  1. im like that too people dont understand that the gym is a very very high priority.
